About Troop 9

We have an active program run by the boys, but with much support from the adults. 

Within the troop, the Scouts organized their own patrols, with elected patrol leaders and a senior patrol leader. The troop goes camping, hiking, canoeing, or caving more or less once a month, 12 months a year. Our program is active year round! 


The scoutmaster of the boy's troop is Candice Badie. She can be reached by phone at 317-600-4346 or by e-mail at scoutmaster@troop9bsa.org.

Uniform - The official "class A" uniform consists of a scout shirt belt, and pants of course. Troop 9 does not wear neckerchiefs. The headgear is optional as well, but when it is worn, the hat needs to be a "Scouting" hat. The preferred hat is the official baseball style hat. 

Parent's Guide -  The Troop Committee created the Troop 9 Parent's Guide to help parents understand what Troop 9 is all about.   It goes into much more detail then the web site.  So, take a look by CLICKING HERE to download the guide.


Fund Raising - Troop 9 sells Christmas Trees.  Half of the money raised goes to the troop, and half to the boys.  This money can go toward camp fees or even equipment or uniforms at the scout shop. 

When and Where we MeetWe generally meet on Monday Nights, 7:00pm, Irvington United Methodist Church, 30 N. Audubon Road, Indianapolis, IN (MAP).