

Troop 9 uses Troop Master web management software to track each scout's advancement.

Click Here to Access Troop Master. Occasionally email will be sent using the TroopMaster. In accordance with our Youth Protection Policies, a parent or guardian will always be copied on any communication to the youth. Contact if you need to obtain a username.


Troop 9 uses Facebook as a communications tool. Reminders of upcoming events and scout activities are often posted here.

  • This is a private Facebook group and you must ask for permission to join.

  • Only parents and youth (with permission of parents) that have a direct affiliation with the Troop 9 are allowed to join the group.

  • Posts are only visible to members of the group.

  • If you post pictures of youth please use only the first name and last initial.

If you have any questions or comments send them to